Conference Presentations
Cordova, M., Pedrahita, S., Linke, A., Toro, G., Wilkinson, M., Kohli, J., Hau, J., Fishman, I., Mueller, R.-A., & Carper, R. (2024). Subcortical volumes in middle-aged and older adults with and without autism spectrum disorder. Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Seoul, South Korea.
Pedrahita, S., Linke, A., Cordova, M., Wilkinson, M., Hau, J., Toro, G., Alemu, K., Kohli, J., Mueller, R.-A., & Carper, R. (2024). Decreased BOLD signal variability in middle-aged and older adults with autism. Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Seoul, South Korea.
Boxberger, A., Rios, A., Mahmalji, J., Chen, B., Olson, L., Linke, A., & Fishman, I. (2024). Behavioral outcomes and functional connectivity of the fronto-parietal network in children with ASD and co-occurring attention problems. International Society for Autism Research, Melburne, Australia.
Linke, A., Rios, A., Mahmalji, J., Salmina, M., Herrera, M., Boxberger, A., Cordova, M., Wilkinson, M., Müller, A., Fishman, I. (2024). Using fMRI to study auditory processing and language development in toddlers and preschoolers with autism. Society for Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience FLUX Congress, Santa Rosa, CA, United States.
Linke, A., Chen, B., Rios, A., Mahmalji, J., Salmina, M., Bock, S., Herrera, M., Lee, E., Cordova, M., Wilkinson, M., Bhattacharjee, R., Müller, A., Fishman, I. (2024). Sleep problems in young children with autism are associated with atypical auditory cortical processing. International Society for Autism Research, Melbourne, Australia.
Cordova, M., Porter, K.H., Toro, G., Linke, A., Schadler, A., Alemu, K., Pedrahita, S., Wilkinson, M., Kohli, J., Hau, J., Fishman, I., Mueller, R.-A., & Carper, R. (2023). Do subcortical volumes decline with age more precipitously in middle-aged and older adults with autism spectrum disorder. Flux, Santa Rosa, CA, United States.
Garcia, G., Linke, A., Kohli, J., Martindale, I., Shryock, I., Wilkinson, M., Cordova, M., Hau, J., Alemu, K., Toro, G., Pedrahita, S., Fishman, I., Mueller, R.-A., & Carper, R. (2023). Brain age index is greater in adults with autism than in age peers without autism. Society for Neuroscience, Washington, D.C., United States
Garcia, G., Linke, A., Kohli, J., Martindale, I., Shryock, I., Wilkinson, M., Cordova, M., Hau, J., Alemu, K., Toro, G., Pedrahita, S., Müller, R.A., & Carper, R. (2023). Differences in Brain Age in Adults with ASD as a Step Towards Understanding Atypical Brain Maturation Across the Lifespan. Flux, Santa Rosa, CA, United States.
Hau, J., Linke, A., Fishman, I., Müller, R.-A., & Carper, R. (2023). Controlling for orientation dispersion may improve DTI measures by reducing model error. Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Montréal, Canada.
Hau, J., Linke, A., Fishman, I., Müller, R.A., & Carper, R. (2023). Covarying for fiber orientation dispersion may increase sensitivity in DTI analyses. ISMRM Workshop on: White Matter, Analysis, Translation, Experimental Validation, Evaluation & Reproducibility, Nashville, TN, United States.
Toro, G., Linke, A., Alemu, K., Wilkinson, M., Cordova, M., Pedrahita, S., Hau, J., Mueller, R.-A., Fishman, I., & Carper, R. (2023). Functional MRI Shows Atypical Iron Accrual in the Striatum in Mature Adults with ASD. Society of Biological Psychiatry, San Diego, United States.
Mahmalji, J., Rios, A., Salmina, M., Chen, B., Olson, L., Linke, A., Fishman, I. (2023). Early brain connectivity patterns predict language skills in preschoolers with ASD. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience FLUX Congress, Santa Rosa, CA, United States.
Chen, B., Bock, S., Olson, L., Rios, A., Mahmalji, J., Peña, S., Linke, A., & Fishman I. (2023). Examination of iron content in the striatum from functional MRI in young children with autism spectrum disorder. Society for Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience FLUX Congress, Santa Rosa, CA, United States.
Rios, A., Mahmalji, J., Ott, L., Salmina, M., Chen, B., Olson, L., Linke, A., & Fishman, I. (2023). Functional connectivity of fronto-parietal executive network is linked to co-occurring ADHD symptoms in preschoolers with autism spectrum disorder. Society of Biological Psychiatry, San Diego, CA, United States.
Mahmalji, J., Rios, A., Ott, L., Salmina, M., Linke, A., Fishman, I., (2023). Early brain connectivity patterns predict later language skills in preschoolers with ASD. SDSU Student Symposium (S3), San Diego, CA, United States.
Rios, A., Hau, J., Chen, B., Olson, L., Linke, A., Fishman, I. (2023). Maturational trajectories of the acoustic radiations, and links with sensory sensitivities and sleep problems in young children with autism. Society for Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, Santa Rosa, CA, United States.
Chen, B., Rios, A., Olson, L., Salmina, M., Peña, S., Linke, A., Fishman, I. (2023). 2 Effects of Early Exposure to More Than One Language in the Home on Language. International Neuropsychological Society. San Diego, CA, United States.
Kohli, J.S., Martindale, I.A., Wilkinson, M., Alemu, K., Kinnear, M.K., Müller, R.A. & Carper, R.A. (2022). Associations Between Abnormalities of Intracortical Myelin Content and Neuropsychological Functions in Middle to Older Aged Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). International Neuropsychological Society, New Orleans, LA.
Bosi Chen, Annika Linke, Lindsay Olson, Jiwandeep Kohli, Mari Arcadio Arce, Stephanie Renée Peña, Annie Andriasyan, Elisa Mendez-Pintado, Ralph-Axel Müller, Ruth Carper & Fishman, I. (2022). Multimodal investigation of brain morphology and local activity and connectivity in young children with ASD.
International Society for Autism Research, Austin, Texas.
Meave, N., Alemu, K., Sridhar, A., Wilkinson, M., Manley, A., Linke, A. C., Jao Keehn, R. J., Fishman, I., & Müller, R.-A. (2022). Links of overconnectivity between sensory and salience network regions with elevated anxiety in ASD. Society for Neuroscience. San Diego, CA, United States.
Meave, N., Alemu, K., Sridhar, A., Wilkinson, M., Fishman, I., Linke, A. C., Jao Keehn, R. J., & Müller, R.-A. (2022). BOLD signal variability and its relationship with cognitive performance and anxiety symptoms in ASD. San Diego State University Student Research Symposium. San Diego, CA, United States.
Rios, A., Chen, B., Olson, L., Wilde, K., Salmina, M., Damon, Z., Peña, S., Linke, A., Fishman, I. (2022). Links between early sleep problems and neurobehavioral outcome in toddlers and preschoolers with ASD. Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, CA, United States.
Wilde, K. Chen, B., Olson, L., Rios, A., Salmina, M., Damon, Z., Peña, S., Linke, A., Fishman, I. (2022). Maternal bacterial infection or viral illness during pregnancy is associated with neurobehavioral outcomes in young children with autism spectrum disorder. Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, CA, United States.
Linke, A., Chen, B., Olson, L., Peña, S, Rios, A., Salmina, M., Damon, Z., Mueller, A., Fishman, I. (2022). Altered development of the Hurst Exponent in medial prefrontal cortex in young children with autism spectrum disorders. Society for Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience: Fetal, Infant, and Neuroimaging Group, Paris, France.
Chen, B., Linke, A., Olson, L., Peña, S., Salmina, M., Rios, A., Damon, Z., Vu, J., Fishman, I. (2022). Atypical functional organization of auditory cortex is linked with autism symptoms in young children with ASD. Cognitive Neuroscience Society, San Francisco, CA, United States.
Rios, A., Wilde, K., Chen, B., Olson, L., Pena, S., Linke, A., Fishman, I. (2022). Links between poor sleep in the first year of life and later neurocognitive outcomes in young children with autism. SDSU Student Research Symposium, San Diego, CA, United States.
Cordova, M., Hau, J., Schadler, A., Wilkinson, M., Alemu, K., Baker, A., Chaaban, C., Churchill, E., Fishman, I., Müller, R-A., Carper, R. A. (2021, November). Structure of corticostriatal tracts in middle-aged and older adults with autism spectrum disorder. Society for Neuroscience.
Alemu, K., Sridhar, A., Wilkinson, M., Marinkovic K., Keehn, R. J. J., Linke, A. C., Müller, R-A. Reduced inter-subject correlations of brain activity patterns during lexicosemantic decision in adolescents with ASD. Flux Society, Virtual.
Sridhar, A., Jao Keehn, R. J., Wilkinson, M., Olson M., Alemu, K., Marinkovic, K., Linke A.C., Müller, R-A. (2021, February). Changes in neural network connectivity across brain states in ASD. International Society for Autism Research, Virtual.
Kohli, J.S., Martindale, I.A., Wilkinson, M., Kinnear, M.K., Hau, J., Linke, A.C., Müller, R.-A., & Carper, R.A. (2021). Altered Links Between Anterior Cingulate Cortex Anatomy and Inhibition Skills in Middle to Older Aged Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) [Poster Presentation]. Society of Biological Psychiatry, Virtual.
Olson, L. Chen, B., Martindale, I., Kohli, J., Linke, A., Ibarra, C., Peña, S., Mendez, E., Müller, A.-R., Carper, C., & Fishman, I. (May, 2021). Associations between socioeconomic variables and language network local gyrification in toddlers and preschoolers with autism spectrum disorders. International Society for Autism Research, Virtual.
Chen, B., Linke, A., Olson, L., Kohli, J., Arce, M.A., Martindale, I., Peña, S., Müller, R.-A., Carper, R., Sereno, M. & Fishman, I. (2021). Cortical Myelination in Toddlers and Preschoolers with Autism Spectrum Disorder. International Society for Autism Research, Boston, MA.
Gao, Y., Schadler, A., Kohli, J. S., Baggett, N., Ortega, M., Alemu, K., Pastrana, J., Fishman, I., Carper, R. A., Müller, R.-A. (2020 August) Language network structural connectivity distinguishes neurophenotypes in autism spectrum disorder. American Psychological Association.
Wilkinson, M., You, Y., Gao, Y., Alemu K., Olson M., Linke A. C., Jao Keehn, R. J., Marinkovic, K., Müller, R-A. (2020, June). Relationship between fMRI BOLD signal and MEG theta power in autism spectrum disorder. Organization for Human Brain Mapping Annual Meeting, Virtual.
Kohli, J.S., Martindale, I.A., Kinnear, M.K., Mash, L.E., Shryock, I., Carper, R.A., & Müller, R.-A. (2020). In vivo myeloarchitectonic abnormalities in middle-aged adults with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) [Poster Presentation]. Organization for Human Brain Mapping Annual Meeting, Virtual.
Kohli, J.S., Kinnear, M.K., Shryock, I., Martindale, I.A., Carper, R.A., & Müller, R.-A. (2020). Associations between affective symptoms and executive function in middle-aged adults with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) [Paper Presentation]. International Neuropsychological Society Annual Meeting, Denver, CO.
Olson, L. Linke, A., Chen, B., Ibarra, C., Ringlee, L., Peña, S., Müller, R.-A., & Fishman, I. (May, 2020). Associations between socioeconomic variables and language network functional brain connectivity in toddlers and young children with autism spectrum disorders. International Society for Autism Research, Virtual.
Tung, R., Reiter, M.A., Linke, A.C., Kohli, J.S., Kinnear, M.K., Fishman, I., Carper, R.A. & Müller, R.-A. (2020). Functional Connectivity within the Anxiety Network Is Atypical in Middle-Aged Adults with Autism and Is Associated with Anxiety Symptom Severity. International Society for Autism Research, Seattle, WA.
Schadler, A.J., Hau, J., Carper, R.A., Fishman, I. & Müller, R.-A. (2020). White matter compromise in children and adolescents with ASD detected by TRACULA. International Society for Autism Research, Seattle, WA.
Martindale, I.A., Chen, B., Kohli, J.S., Linke, A., Olson, L., Müller, R.-A., Carper, R.A. & Fishman, I. (2020). Associations between local cortical gyrification, age, and symptom severity in toddlers and preschoolers with autism spectrum disorders. International Society for Autism Research, Seattle, WA.
Hau, J., Baker, A., Kinnear, M.K., Kohli, J., Shryock, I., Mash, L., Wilkinson, M., Keehn, R.J.J., Carper, R.A. & Müller, R.-A. (2020). Reduced asymmetry of hand knob volume and impaired U-fiber hand tracts in aging adults with ASD. Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Montreal, Canada.
Chen, B., Linke, A., Arce, M.A., Martindale, I., Kohli, J.S., Olson, L., Ringlee, L., Sereno, M., Müller, R.-A., Carper, R.A. & Fishman, I. (2020). Aberrant cortical thickness and cortical surface area in auditory and premotor cortices in toddlers and preschoolers with autism spectrum disorders. International Society for Autism Research, Seattle, WA.
Kohli, J.S., Kinnear, M.K., Martindale, I.A., Carper, R.A., & Müller, R.-A. (2019). Focal abnormalities of cortical thickness in adults with autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) [Poster Presentation]. Organization for Human Brain Mapping Annual Meeting, Rome, Italy.
Olson, L., Kinnear, M., Wang, T., Reynolds, S., Chen, B., Ibarra, C., Sugiura, T., Harpster, N., Apostol, M., & Fishman, I. (May, 2019). Associations between socioeconomic status, language ability, and ASD symptoms in toddlers with autism. International Society for Autism Research: Montreal, QC, Canada.Reiter, M.,
Kohli, J., Jao Keehn, R., Martindale, I., Fong, C., Carper, R., Fishman, I. & Müller, R.-A. (2019). Atypical anatomy of primary visual cortex and links with intelligence in children with autism spectrum disorders. International Society for Autism Research, Montreal.
Linke, A., Kinnear, M.K., Kohli, J., Fong, C., Tung, R., Carper, R. & Müller, R.-A. (2019). Dynamic time warping outperforms Pearson correlation in detecting atypical functional connectivity in autism. Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Rome.
Hau, J., Kohli, J., Fong, C., Linke, A., Kinnear, M.K., Lincoln, A.J., Carper, R. & Müller, R.-A. (2019). Accelerated decline of homotopic sensorimotor connections in older adults with ASDs. Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Rome.
Hau, J., Chaaban, C., Baker, A., Kinnear, M.K., Lincoln, A., Carper, R., Müller, R-A. (2019). Accelerated decline of motor tracts and links with symptom severity in older adults with ASDs. International Society for Autism Research, Montreal.
Kohli, J.S., Carper, R.A., Hassan, F., Kinnear, M.K., Lincoln, A.J., & Müller, R.-A. (2018). Abnormalities of Local Gyrification in Autism Spectrum Disorders after age 40 years [Poster Presentation]. International Society for Autism Research Annual Meeting, Rotterdam, Netherlands.
Olson, L., Linke, A., Mash, L., Reiter, M., Müller, R.A., Fishman, I. (May, 2018). Broadly reduced intrinsic functional connectivity in girls compared to boys with autism spectrum disorders. International Meeting for Autism Research: Rotterdam, NL.
Marshall, S., Hau, J., Solders, S., Carper, R., Fishman, I. & Müller, R.-A. (2018). Comparing Domain-Specific Contributions to Striato-Cortical Tracts in Autism Spectrum Disorders. American Academy of Clinical Neuropsychology, San Diego.
Linke, A.C., Kinnear, M.K., Snell, W., Kohli, J.S., Fong, C., Mash, L., Marshall, S., Keehn, R.J.J., Fishman, I., Carper, R.A. & Müller, R.-A. (2018). Global signal amplitude in eyes-open resting state fMRI is increased in adults and related to executive function. Conference on Resting State and Brain Connectivity, Montreal.
Jahedi, A., Eill, A., Gao, Y., Kohli, J.S., Fong, C.H., Carper, R.A., Bailey, B.A. & Müller, R.-A. (2018). Functional connectivities are more informative than anatomical variables in diagnostic classification of autism. Society for Neurosciences, San Diego, CA.
Hau, J., Aljawad, S., Baggett, N., Carper, R., Fishman, I. & Müller, R.-A. (2018). The cingulum and cingulate U- fibers in children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorders. Society for Neurosciences, San Diego.
Baggett, N., Solders, S., Kohli, J., Hau, J., Müller, R-A., & Carper, R. (2017). Examination of major white matter tracts in children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorder after careful group-matching for motion. Society of Biological Psychiatry.
Gao, Y, Linke, A.C., Jahedi, A., Punyamurthula, S., Fong, C., Fishman, I., & Müller, R.-A. (2017). Language network connectivity indicates subgroups own children with autism spectrum disorders. Organization for Human Brain Mapping.
Hau, J., Carper, R.A. & Müller, R.-A. (2017) Structural connectivity of the developing amygdala in Autism Spectrum Disorders. Organization for Human Brain Mapping.
Jao Keehn, R. J., Pueschel, E. B., Gao, Y., Fishman, I., & Müller, R.-A. (2017). Underconnectivity between salience and visual networks is associated with symptomatology in children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Society of Biological Psychiatry.
Kohli, J.S., Carper R.A., Fong, C.H., Müller, R.-A. (2017). Changes in local gyrification index across childhood and adolescence in autism spectrum disorder. International Meeting for Autism Research.
Kinnear, M., Linke, A.C., Solders, S., Carper, R., & Müller, R.-A. (2017). Impaired motor function and atypical motor cortex connectivity in mature adults with autism spectrum disorder. Society of Biological Psychiatry.
Marshall, S.R., Solders, S., Hau, J., Carper, R.A., Fishman, I., & Müller, R.-A. (2017). Comparing domain-specific contributions to striato-cortical tracts in autism spectrum disorder. Society of Biological Psychiatry.
Olson, L. Reynolds, S., Gao, Y., Punyamurthula, S., Witkowska, N., Müller, R.-A., Fishman, I. (2017). Associations between socioeconomic status and ASD symptom severity, cognitive, and language ability. International Meeting for Autism Research.
Reiter, M. A., Gao, Y., Linke, A. C., Jao Keehn, R. J., Fishman, I., & Müller, R.-A. (2017). Underconnectivity between anterior and posterior default mode nodes in individuals with ASD and low cognitive ability. Society of Biological Psychiatry.
Reynolds, S., Linke, A.C., Müller, R.-A., & Fishman, I. (2017). Effects of heart rate regressors on functional connectivity in ASDs. Society of Biological Psychiatry.
Jahedi, A., Meeni, V., Linke, A.C., Nair, S., Chen, P., Bailey, B.B., & Müller, R.-A. (2016). Resting state fMRI connectome differentiates autism from typical development. Society for Neuroscience.
Jao Keehn, R.J., Sanchez, S.S., Stewart, C.R., Zhao, W., Grenesko-Stevens, E.L., Keehn, B., & Müller, R.-A. (2016). Children with ASD fail to downregulate visual cortex during auditory processing. International Meeting for Autism Research.
Solders S., Carper R.A., Müller R.-A. (2016). Many (but not all) DTI findings for ASD disappear with stringent motion matching. Society for Neuroscience.
Zhao, W., Fishman, I., Jao Keehn, R.J., & Müller, R.-A. (2016). Atypical intrinsic functional connectivity of core face perception system is associated with symptom severity in ASD. International Meeting for Autism Research.
2016 Society for Neuroscience Nanosymposium
Autism: Physiology and Behavior

Gao, Y, Berkebile, M., Jahedi, A., Punyamurthula, S., Zhao, W., Fong, C.H., Müller, R.-A., Fishman, I. “Intrinsic functional overconnectivity of the language network in children with autism spectrum disorder.”
Kohli, J.S., Carper R.A., Fong, C.H., Müller, R.-A. “Aberrant patterns of cortical gyrification in children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorder.”
Linke, A.C., Jao Keehn, R.J., Pueschel, E., & Müller, R.-A. “Auditory thalamocortical over connectivity in autism is related to altered topographic organization of auditory cortex.”
Macari, A.C., Berkebile, M., Linke, A.C., Zhao, W., Müller, R.-A. “Domain specificity of altered cortico-striatal functional connectivity in children and adolescents with autism.”
Carper, R.A., Treiber, J.M., White, N.S. & Müller, R.-A. (2015). Structural gray matter differences in autism examined with Restriction Spectrum Diffusion Imaging. Organization for Human Brain Mapping.
Chen, C.P., Bailey, B.A. & Müller, R.-A. (2015). Towards autism subtypes? Unsupervised machine learning using fcMRI features. Organization for Human Brain Mapping.
Ghane, M., Richey, J.A. & Müller, R.-A. (2015). Dysregulated functional connectivity of attention and valuation networks: Implications for decision making in autism. Cognitive Neuroscience Society.
Nair, S., Keown, C.L., Maximo, J.O., Abbott, A.E., Fishman, I. & Müller, R.-A. (2015). Links between atypical local and long-distance connectivity in autism. Organization for Human Brain Mapping.
Ray, N., Chen, C.P., Jahedi, A., Fishman, I. & Müller, R.-A. (2015) Age-associated changes in functional networks in ASD: Is there a shift from overconnectivity in childhood to underconnectivity in young adulthood? International Meeting for Autism Research.
Solders, S., Carper, R.A. & Müller, R.-A. (2015). Group differences in head motion may confound anatomical connectivity: Findings from DWI. International Meeting for Autism Research.
Nair, A., Keown, C.L., Datko, M.C., Carper, R., Fishman, I. & Müller, R.-A. (2014). Differential patterns of disrupted functional connectivity between thalamus and prefrontal and temporal cortex in autism spectrum disorders. International Neuropsychological Society.
Abbott, A., Nair, A., Keown, C.L., Datko, M.C., Fishman, I. & Müller, R.-A. (2014). Atypical connectivity of default mode and salience networks and links with ASD symptomatology. International Meeting for Autism Research.
Andersen, L.C., Fishman, I., Keown, C.L., Nair, A. & Müller, R.-A. (2014). Network sculpting index suggests impaired functional network differentiation in ASD. International Meeting for Autism Research.
Chen, C.P., Bailey, B.A., Keown, C.L., Nair, A. & Müller, R.-A. (2014). High diagnostic prediction accuracy for ASD using functional connectivity MRI data and random forest machine learning. International Meeting for Autism Research.
Ghane, M., Keehn, B.M., Nair, A., Abbott, A., Keown, C.L., Richey, J.A., Townsend, J. & Müller, R.-A. (2014). Attention networks and sociocommunicative abilities in ASD: Functional connectivity and behavioral performance. International Meeting for Autism Research.
Sullivan, M., Fishman, I., Cabrera, Y. & Müller, R.-A. (2014). Independent component analysis of resting state fMRI shows impaired maturational changes of network organization in ASD. International Meeting for Autism Research.
Cabrera, Y., Fishman, I., Abbott, A.E., Nair, A. & Müller, R.-A. (2014). Functional overconnectivity of the theory of mind network is associated with language deficits in Autism Spectrum Disorder. American Psychological Society.
Anderson, D.E., Iversen, J., Callan, D., Patel, A.D. & Müller, R.-A. (2014). The rhythm network: an exploratory neuroimaging analysis of beat perception and production. Society for Neuroscience.
Carper, R.A., Solders, S., Fishman, I. & Müller, R.-A. (2014). Corticostriatal connectivity in children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorder. Fourth Biennial Conference on Resting State / Brain Connectivity.
Carper, R.A., Solders, S., Eill, A. & Müller, R.-A. (2014). Atypical effects of age on cortical thickness and surface area in children and adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Society for Neuroscience.
Datko, M.C., Fishman, I., Cabrera, Y., Carper, R.A. & Müller, R.-A. (2014). White matter compromise accompanies functional overconnectivity within the imitation network in children with autism. Society for Neuroscience.
Jahedi, A., Chen, C.P., Bailey, B.A. & Müller, R.-A. (2014). Diagnostic prediction in autism using random forest and classification trees of resting state functional connectivity. Society for Neuroscience.
Nair, S., Chen, C.P., Maximo, J.O. & Müller, R.-A. (2014). Complex local connectivity patterns in large low-motion autism sample: A resting state fMRI study of regional homogeneity. Society for Neuroscience.